Yes, I realize that I am the world’s worst when it comes to keeping my readers updated. But I promise it’s because I’m busy writing, either for ScreenRant or for a novel that I’ve tentatively titled Goodbye, Fare Thee Well. I also have an idea for my next book, so at least I can’t complain that my muses have not visited me lately.
I do admit that I hit a dry spell earlier this year while working on a completely separate piece of work. I found myself uninspired to continue rewrites on it, and I finally admitted defeat and shelved it. Who knows if it will ever see the light of day? I’ve learned that this is common with us authors: we will forever have things we’ve written that no one will ever read. However, once I let it go, I was able to return to a previous work, and the words suddenly came flying out of my fingertips.
I also have a few appearances coming up during the rest of the year (and how are we already in August?). On October 5, I will be an author and cosplay guest at Jackson Comic Expo at the Star Center in Jackson, TN. I’m pretty excited about that appearance as they reached out to me and asked me to join them. I will also be in charge of the costume contest there. After that, I’ll be in Clarksville, TN (one of my favorite cities to visit) on November 30 at the Riverview Inn for the Comic Con there. As always, I will have books available at both events, along with some cute purses I’ve made in my free time.
I’m also actively looking for reviewers for Madame Vampire. If you’ve read the book and enjoyed it (and even if you didn’t), please consider leaving a review on Amazon. It doesn’t have to be anything wordy. A simple “I liked it” or “I didn’t like it” with a star rating will suffice. Every review helps get my books more visible on the site. It’s a novel I am particularly proud of, and I would love to get it into the hands of more readers.
I’m going to try to make more of an effort to be present here. I don’t always have updates to share, but I suppose I can still post cat photos, right? This time, I’ll leave you all with a photo I took with my cosplay charity group Cause-Play Memphis at LeBonheur Children’s Hospital in Memphis, TN, recently. Sometimes, I get to dress up like a Disney princess and meet children and horses.