Holiday Recovery Time

The holidays are always a super-crazy time of activities revolved around family, shopping, eating, drinking, more eating, more drinking, more shopping. In fact, I don’t recall having any alone time (including time to write) during the last two weeks of 2013. Obviously, spending time with family is key, but at some point, a writer needs…

A Writer's Greatest Fear

A Writer’s Greatest Fear

I did make a New Year’s Eve resolution to blog here more often, so I think I’m doing pretty well so far, don’t you think? I used to journal everyday over at LiveJournal, so I’m not sure how I got out of the habit, but I blame social media. However, thanks to Neil Gaiman’s post…

Looking forward to 2014

Looking forward to 2014

Well, the New Year has officially arrived and I am more than happy to put 2013 behind me. 2013 was a very difficult year for me, due to the loss of my mother, but I suppose it didn’t totally suck: I made the transition to being a full-time writer and I attended two wonderful conventions:…

Robin Burks

Read my Smashwords Interview

Smashwords has made a lot of really exciting updates and one of those is the ability to publish author interviews on the site. So guess what I did? That’s right, I did a Smashwords interview. You can read it here.

The Curse of Hekate

Get The Curse Of Hekate Now!

In case you haven’t noticed, it’s official: you can now purchase The Curse Of Hekate everywhere digital books are sold. So be sure to stop by your favorite digital book retailer (see links below) and pick up a copy. And if you haven’t yet read Zeus, Inc., you can also pick that up now for…