Blog Tour: Guest Post On Gabbing About Books
This blog tour might be about halfway over, but it’s still running full steam ahead. Don’t miss my guest post about NaNoWriMo over at Gabbing About Books.
This blog tour might be about halfway over, but it’s still running full steam ahead. Don’t miss my guest post about NaNoWriMo over at Gabbing About Books.
The Zeus, Inc. blog tour keeps on going this week. The next two stops are at The Dabbler and Kat Yares. Be sure to check it out and don’t forget the $25 Amazon gift card and ebook giveaway! The Dabbler: Meet Published NaNoWriMo Author, Robin Burks Kat Yares: Guest Post – Using Mythology In Fiction
The blog tour keeps rolling this week with an interview with me over at Wi Love Books. Be sure to check it out and don’t forget to enter the contest.
Don’t miss the Zeus, Inc. Blog Tour giveaway. You could win ebook copies of Zeus Inc. , along with a $25 Amazon gift card. Even better? Winning is easy: see details on how to enter below. To be entered to win: Pick up a copy of Zeus, Inc. for $2.99 at Amazon, Barnes & Noble,…
In case you didn’t notice, I’m having a blog tour! I’ll be posting links every day next week, starting on Sunday, where you can read a little something about my book, an interview or a guest post that I’ve written. I want to thank all of the blogs that agreed to host me this week…
I know, I know, I’m horrible at updating this thing. I figure that everyone is already following me on Facebook, Twitter or Google+ that you all know what’s been going on with me. But for posterity’s sake, I’m posting today to fill you in on some of the exciting things I’ve got going on. October…