Zeus, Inc. by Robin Burks

Do You Blog? Wanna’ Be Part of A Tour?

Hey, everyone! I’m in the process of putting together a blog tour for Zeus, Inc. potentially for the first week in August. I’m willing to do interviews, giveaways and guest posts, as well as offer up copies of the book for review to anyone who would like to. But what I need is bloggers! For…

Zeus, Inc. Now Available

Zeus, Inc. Has Arrived!

In case you haven’t noticed, the links to buy Zeus, Inc. are now live here on the site. And if you buy a copy of the new edition, you’ll get a bonus: the first chapter of the next book in The Alex Grosjean Adventure series, The Curse of Hekate. So what are you waiting for?…

Zeus, Inc.

Zeus, Inc. Re-Release Next Week

If you follow me on social media, you’ll know that I recently made the announcement that I signed with Biting Dog Publications to re-release Zeus, Inc. I’m really excited about this new partnership and looking forward to getting the book back out there. Also, the new version of Zeus, Inc. will feature a bonus: the…

An update (of sorts) featuring good news!

I suppose you’ve been wondering where I’ve been hiding and why Zeus, Inc. is no longer available for sale. Well, fear not, as I have a huge announcement coming soon (once it’s official) that some of my friends already know about. Obviously, it’s one of those things where I prefer to wait until the ink…

Bad Karma Studios

Website Design and E-Book Covers

I’ve had a lot of people ask me about both my website design and my e-book covers. If you’d like to know who does my design work, I can answer that easily – me! In my previous life – before I discovered writing, I was a web designer and developer. And now, I’ve decided to…