The Curse of Hekate Cover Reveal
Check out the cover for The Curse of Hekate and let me know what you think in the comments.
Check out the cover for The Curse of Hekate and let me know what you think in the comments.
Another blog review of Zeus, Inc. is up! I always get so excited to read the reviews and love it when someone really enjoys the book and Alex, as a character (I’m quite fond of her myself). Read the full review over at Gabbing About Books here. Thanks, Heather!
Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who downloading Zeus, Inc. during the Read an Ebook Promotion at Smashwords. I was very pleased with the response and am so happy that so many of you took time to grab the book. Secondly, I would like to ask that if you did download the book and…
Yes, you read that headline right. To honor Smashwords “Read an Ebook” week, Zeus, Inc. will be 100% free for you to download and enjoy. So how can you score your free copy of Zeus, Inc.? Visit the Zeus, Inc. page on Smashwords and use coupon code RW100 when checking out. And then download the book in…
If you’ve followed me over at, you’ll know I spent last weekend having the most amazing time in Los Angeles at Gallifrey One. I’m a major Whovian, so I got to basically spend some time with “my people.” I love the convention so much because it is one of the few places in the…
Well, I know the answer to that question now. It’s apparently just outside Memphis. When I went to book a hotel the night before my flight in the area nearest the airport, this is what Hotwire gave me. It’s close to the airport, though. I can tell as I have seen planes flying overhead. Fortunately,…