Great Review on Reese’s Reviews

It’s so nice to wake up on your birthday and read a great review of your book. A big thank you to Reese for reading through Zeus, Inc., and for her great comments. I loved what she said about Alex (it was so important to me that she be real with flaws and insecurities). Read…

New review on Android Dreamer

A big thank you to Matt over at Android Dreamer for the positive book review for Zeus, Inc. This is the second time it’s been compared to the Percy Jackson books and I take that as a huge compliment. My favorite part of the review was this: “The most important part of the believability and…

Guest Post on TeamNerd Reviews

I was recently asked by TeamNerd Reviews to write a guest post about women of strength, in honor of October being breast cancer awareness month. In the end, there was only one woman of strength I could write about: my mother. What I ended up writing turned out to be extremely emotional and very personal…

Celebrating women of strength

The month of October will be celebrating womanhood! The strength, beauty, and inspiration that women hold and provide to the world everyday. Women carry many titles: mothers, daughters, grandmothers, aunts, sisters, best friends, nieces, granddaughters, chef, laundry person, nurse. Women are the nurturers, the quiet strength that holds a family together, and beacons of love…