It’s been a while…

Well, what can I say? What a year, right? On top of a pandemic, a new job, and some health issues, I’ve had a struggle (but haven’t we all?). But I’m finally in a place where I can write again, both mentally and physically. And I’m starting to work on an outline for the next…

Don't stress meowt

Fun with Onirim, Writing and D&D

Hello, dear readers. It’s me again. I’ve been trying to blog about things, but there’s so very little to blog about. There is, quite literally, nothing exciting happening in my life right now, although I am still diligently typing away as I work on the rewrite for the first Children of Magic book. I also have numerous…

Evil Queen

Keeping busy during quarantine

Life is so strange right now: it’s a blur of days and nights that sort of blend in together and it’s rare when I actually know exactly what day it is. Somehow, though, we’ve made it halfway through 2020, a year that we can all agree has brought about unprecedented challenges. Unfortunately, the pandemic is…