Much Ado About Nothing

David Tennant makes me do spontaneous things. I have him to blame for my first trip across the pond after all. And now, since I was already planning on being across the pond in August, I seem to have included a day trip to London in my Paris itinerary. I spent this morning on the…

Looking ahead to 2011

I have big things planned for next year and big trips I would like to make. First up, in February, I shall be returning to Los Angeles for the Gallifrey One convention. I hope to spend a weekend hanging with all those wonderful Doctor Who fans and meeting Peter Davidson (squee!) and seeing my crush,…

Gallifrey One Bound

I just booked my flight to L.A. for the Gallifrey One convention in February. I’ll be arriving in L.A. around 3 p.m. on February 17th and leaving at 7 a.m. on February 21st. I booked the hotel for me and Rachel over a month ago (which is good, as the con rate blocks sold out), so we’re…

Walking In Memphis You know… I always liked that song. I grew up 100 miles from Memphis and yet there is so much of the city I have not yet seen. I tried to rectify that, at least, in part yesterday for my birthday weekend celebration. Growing up within 100 miles of Graceland generally means you take…