Celebrating women of strength

The month of October will be celebrating womanhood! The strength, beauty, and inspiration that women hold and provide to the world everyday. Women carry many titles: mothers, daughters, grandmothers, aunts, sisters, best friends, nieces, granddaughters, chef, laundry person, nurse. Women are the nurturers, the quiet strength that holds a family together, and beacons of love…

Operation eBook Drop

I am very happy to announce my participation with Operation eBook Drop. This program’s mission is to have independent authors offer their ebooks for free to coalition troops deployed overseas. Currently, over 1,400 authors are participating, myself included. So in supporting me and my writing endeavors, you’re also helping me support our soldiers who are…

Upon things like aliens and cats…

So now while my friends and advance review copy folks are reading my novel, I merely wait. My cousin has been very good about getting me edits as soon as he finds them and it’s mostly (fortunately) little stuff: typos, grammar issues and the occasional mis-placed punctuation. So far, so good, right? Meanwhile, I saw Prometheus (absolutely…

Head to be exploding now…

I have a new computer! YAY! I don’t even remember if I posted about getting it, but things have been hectic. I really haven’t even had a chance to put the new machine through the paces yet. But I am ready for the next open beta weekend of The Secret World. Oh, and Photoshop opens…

Geek Boys and Cookies

Last night, I dreamed I was eating macarons, in all sizes, flavors and colors. I must have eaten thousands in my dreams. I guess I have a craving for them. If only they weren’t so difficult to make! But they do give me something to look forward to in Paris (among other things). September will…

Happy (Late) Mother’s Day

I know some of your are Mommies (whether of children or children of the furry variety) so I wish you all a belated Happy Mother’s Day. I ended up spending the entire day with Mom and it turned out to be a good day. She was having one of her good days and we laughed…