Things crossed off and things added
Listography Edited: Added to Things To Do: 1. Print out map of Metro Crossed off from Things To Buy: 1. Cute comfy shoes (Zappos) 2. New cross body bag (Kohl’s)
Listography Edited: Added to Things To Do: 1. Print out map of Metro Crossed off from Things To Buy: 1. Cute comfy shoes (Zappos) 2. New cross body bag (Kohl’s)
I made a list for my Paris trip that I will continue to add to:
Taken with picplz.
I finally managed to get a flight booked for Paris this morning. I have been watching the rates nearly every day, sometimes several times a day. This is the part that is quite depressing. Only two years ago, a flight into Paris and out of London cost me $618 for around the same time of…
So now that Gallifrey One: Catch 22: Islands of Mystery is over, I can focus my attention towards my upcoming trip to Paris and day trip to London. However, because I was reminded about this particular thing when I saw Peter Davison’s entrance video at the con, I decided I needed to squeeze it into…
First annual meeting of the sorority girls of Rassilon. We hang out with daleks now. Daleks are like totally cool.